
Policy Research Corporation focuses on providing tailor-made solutions for private clients


A clear and inspiring strategy is the basis for long term success in every business. We assist enterprises in identifying their strategic options, in underpinning important choices and in developing strategic plans for the entire organisation or parts of it.

Strategie advice

Organisations contact us if they want to proactively cope with future challenges or because of forcing market developments. Policy Research assists enterprises in making strategic choices by analysing facts, evaluating options and giving well-underpinned advice.

Strategy formulation

Top management has mostly a clear view on the company’s strategy. However, in some cases it is difficult to achieve buy-in within the organisation. A possible solution is written structured plan including a clear mission, vision, objectives and goals for the organisation. Policy Research assists enterprises in formulating their strategy in a clear and consistent manner in order to actively spread a vision which is supported in the entire organisation.


Enterprises and organisations need to be sure that their organisation synchronises with their strategy. In this matter, we provide advice in improving organisational processes, (re)developing organisational structures and optimising resource planning.

Streamlining organisational processes

Organisational processes are analysed in a pragmatic way to define how they can better contribute to the goals of the organisation. Policy Research does not utilise a standard approach with a general blueprint to be implemented in any organisation, but provides a tailored solution which meets the specific organisational needs.

(Re)structuring of the organisation

The restructuring of an organisation should never be an end in itself, but should be the translation of (new) processes, responsibilities, governance and reports in alignment with the company’s strategy. Our management consultants are experienced in assisting our clients with defining new, aligned, organisational structures.

Resource planning

On top of well-defined processes and organisational structures, it is also necessary to optimally allocate resources, in order to have an efficient and effective organisation. Policy Research acquired a lot of experience in identifying bottlenecks and formulating improvements for the planning of personnel, material and other resources..


Besides providing strategic and organisational advice, we assist enterprises in evaluating and enhancing their business performance in general. This support varies from quick scans to identify the organisation’s main strengths and weaknesses to in-depth business analyses.

Performance scan

If a company is underachieving without a clear view on the origin of lacking results, Policy Research can assist with a quick scan to identify the root cause(s). Within a brief timeframe we identify the organisation’s main strengths and weaknesses and point out the most urgent areas of improvement. A performance scan can also be executed for specific departments or areas.

Business analysis

Our management consultants possess the skills for conducting full-fledged business analyses and improvement exercises, often within the framework of a large change project which is coordinated by the client or by Policy Research. Business analysis is not an end in itself, but an instrument to define practical solutions to improve the organisation’s general performance.

Performance management

Measuring is knowing. Policy Research assists enterprises in identifying which information is needed on which management level, in, structuring that information (the development of a management dashboard or business intelligence exercise) and in defining the necessary report cycles.


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